Even though the global business of soccer does represent most of the worst aspects of corporate globalization, I confess that I am addicted. So, I am suffering, because I am missing many games at this year´s World Cup due to work and travel. But I am even more sorry that I cannot be in Jericho to witness this Cup´s one and only solar viewing area. Greenpeace Africa is providing access to the Cup for a community without electricity. And by doing so, is showing that an energy revolution is possible. Beautiful. Unlike what Brazil played last night! Watch for yourself:
. Here is also a report from Al Jazeera.
Montag, 21. Juni 2010
Solar World Cup
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
Mittwoch, 17. März 2010
Take a break - for the rainforest
I used to love Kit Kat. When I was 15 and at an English comprehensive for a few months, I sometimes hated the school lunches so bad, I went straight to the junk machine and got myself a few Kit Kat instead. I remember sitting in the school yard feeling a little guilty - but also very happy. Then, one terrible day, Kit Kat was bought by nasty Nestle. I haven´t bought a Kit Kat since. Good thing, too, as it now turns out that Kit Kat contains palm oil that destroys forests. Greenpeace uncovered as much today - and Nestle promptly reacted by forcing youtube to take down the Greenpeace campaign video. Stupid, I´d say. The video, for sure, will now spread like wildfire. Curious what Nestle does not want you to see? Have a look (though you might want to wait until after your lunch break ...)
Have a break? from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.
P.S. We won this round! Now let´s get HSBC out of destructive lending as well.
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
Montag, 15. Februar 2010
Film ab gegen Kohlekraft!
Es ist Berlinale in Berlin aber ich habe leider keine Zeit hinzugehen ... Oxfam hat während der Berlinale einen super Kurzfilm gegen neue Kohlekraftwerke vorgestellt. Der dauert nur 1 Minute - dafür findet sich immer Zeit - und Schlange stehen muss man auch nicht, sondern einfach nur Start drücken .... -
P.S. Weitere Infos gibt es hier: http://www.klima-schuetzen.org/
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler