Nice one, Greenpeace UK. The building this banner is hanging from is The Bank of England, no less.
Donnerstag, 27. November 2008
Green is good! Not Greed!
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
Montag, 24. November 2008
Vattenfall copy cats!
I almost fell off my bike a few days ago. Right on Alexanderplatz was a sea of people. Orange people. They called for climate protection (at least at first sight). This looked familiar. Alexanderplatz looked a lot like the entrance to the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. Then, we had brought 6,000 little people - made out of paper by some of the poorest communities in and around Johannesburg - to Sandton Conference centre. Those 6000 ´small people´ had one clear message: "Politicians, listen to the people. Make rules that protect people and the environment." The 2002 summit was a failure. But our art action was very popular. No wonder, then, that when Vattenfall wants to pretend that they are mobilizing people against climate chaos, their activities look a lot like ours (though our people looked a lot nicer, me thinks). Imitation, I am told, is the highest form of flattery. So, though I was shocked, I was not complaining. At least not about the copying bit. What I am unhappy about, is Vattenfall declaring that they love the climate - while continuing to build dirty coal power plants. New coal and climate protection just don´t mix. P.S. Hier eine nette Imitation der Vattenfall Kampagne. Und im Moment sind auch mal wieder Vattenfall Märchen Tage ...
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
Donnerstag, 13. November 2008
Greenpeace goes Africa!
Finally! 6 years after the World Summit on Sustainable Development, during which Greenpeace also had a strong presence in South Africa, Greenpeace is starting "Greenpeace Africa" with three offices across the continent (Senegal, Congo and South Africa). Watch this launch video, with some fun footage also of 2002 when Desmond Tutu christened a Greenpeace boat ...
Greenpeace Africa: People, Action, Solutions from Greenpeace on Vimeo
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
Read the New York Times!
I love the Yes Men . Read their latest brilliant spoof. A New York Times from the future. A desirable future at that! I particularly like the headline: "Big Boxes Appeal Eviction from Low-Income Neighborhoods". I wish!
New York Times Special Edition Video News Release - Nov. 12, 2008 from H Schweppes on Vimeo.
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
Montag, 10. November 2008
Farewell, Mama Africa
I wish I had heard Miriam Makeba live. It´s too late now. Makeba is gone, forever. A wonderful voice. A voice against injustice and for freedom. A voice for humanity. Hear her sing and talk about Mandela here:
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
Freitag, 7. November 2008
Democracy is coming to the USA!
Thanks to my friend Toni for pointing out that Leonard Cohen´s ´Democracy is coming to the USA´ is really the soundtrack for November 4th 2008. And don´t you just love youtube. When you hear of a good idea, someone has already prepared the video. Have a look. This is a bit much hero worship for my test, but it´s fun all the same:
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler
1 Kommentare
Donnerstag, 6. November 2008
Yes, we can make Obama into a progressive President! (Can we?)
I was right where the election was lost, in Ohio, in 2004. This time, I was nowhere near American soil - and my American friends won it. I sincerely hope there is no causal connection! Though, if there were, being stuck in Berlin while history was made across the pond might have felt a little less pointless ... No matter what, I am delighted that a new puppy is moving into the White House. May be it is the budding daddy in me, but I thought mentioning this gift to his children was one of the highlights in Obama´s eloquent victory speech. I had to earn my dog as a child too. But I only had to memorize a long name of a character in a Karl May novel, not endure my daddy being in campaigning mode for 21 months. For which I am grateful. Just as I am grateful, that we have at least 4 years of excellent sounding speeches from the American President to look forward to. It´s a relief to know that we will finally be rid of Bush´s nasal voice and instead will constantly have snippets of one of the most eloquent public speakers alive broadcast into our living rooms. Relief, indeed, is the strongest emotion I feel. Relief because America rejected the Bush years. Relief, also, because - after the experiences of 2000 and 2004 - I lived in constant fear that this could still go wrong. Even after the first results came in, I was a nervous wreck ... - Much has been written about how Obama won this race. How he energized youth, won over the Hispanic vote, got the full support of African Americans (which was not a done deal at all, given that he is by no means a typical African American!) and, last but not least, did better among white voters than Kerry did. As a campaigner, what has impressed me most is the professional brilliance of his campaigning style. Obama linked a very large narrative (´Change, Hope, The Refounding of the American Dream´), which he stuck to through thick and thin for the whole campaign, with an unprecedented local organizing effort. The world saw the big rallies. But Obama knows, that what really won this election were the many offices he opened all over the country; the little volunteer clusters he managed to create even in previously strongly Republican states (like Indiana!), the groundswell of support he built - everywhere. He had some support in this, of course. The unions, Move.On and others had been trying to build effective political machines since the 2004 race at least (and had had some first notable successes in the 2006 congressional elections). But Obama can still take most of the credit. As a Chicago inner city organizer, he was a disciple of Saul Alinsky, whose ´Rules for Radicals´ are still one of the best handbooks for local campaigners ever written. Now Obama turned lessons learned in local organizing, into a continent-wide political movement. He really did build his campaign, "block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand". - It is our task now, to use this groundswell of grassroots activists to put pressure on Obama! We need to use the same brilliant organizing skills to make the most of the political opportunity that the Obama victory represents. May be Naomi Klein is right when she asserts that "this election has proved, ... that the real middle is far to the left of its previously advertised address". But that, of course, does not mean that Obama will govern for the progressive end of America´s ´middle´. Obama has made some decent promises. But he has also had some pretty unhelpful economic advice; his foreign policy is still focused on exerting American power (though it will be interesting to see if he manages a new beginning with Cuba; 35% of Cuban-Americans backed him, so he has a mandate of sorts). Obama supports the death penalty, increasing domestic oil production, unsustainable biofuels and the coal industry, the biggest climate offender this planet knows. To make things worse, Obama, of course, will now come under immense pressure from the corporate sharks that made a killing under Bush and from the stronger than ever (if largely privatized) ´military-industrial complex´. To counter all this, we must ensure that the movement Obama built becomes a mighty and autonomous force, that, as Wallerstein puts it "will be pushing him, as president, to the left, both directly and via its impact on members of Congress. It is very difficult to say exactly where this force would push Obama. But its impact may turn out to be comparable to that of the so-called religious right on Republican party policies in the last thirty years." We know how much the religious bigots managed to achieve. If progressives can unite now, then: Yes, we can turn Obama into a progressive President. A man that delivers universal health care to all Americans; a man that gives back to America the right to form a union across the country; a man that turns around the juggernaut of rising CO2 emissions and cuts them by as much as the science demands; a man that gets Congress to support, through finance, an energy revolution in the developing world. - Dear American friends, I so wish I could have been with you to celebrate November 4th. Now, the real work begins. Obama´s victory was the necessary condition for change. But, as he said himself in the speech, it is very far from sufficient. "It cannot happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice", Obama says. He is right. But he will need to be reminded. Especially on the environment. For, as my friend Kenny says: "Compromise and unity are wonderful governing principles, unless they supercede the health of the planet, which is the foundation for all human well-being." Let´s get to work! P.S. For a far more sophisticated take on Obama, organizing and Alinsky, read on here.
Eingestellt von
Daniel Mittler